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A holistic way to improve your pelvic health

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy is designed to help women, men and children prevent, recover from or cope with the various health issues that can arise during their lifetime. Pelvic Health Physical Therapists provide a comprehensive approach to care that integrates treatment through entire pelvic region. Through manual therapy, exercises and other modalities, they treat pelvic floor muscles.


At Meenal Mujumdar Physical Therapy we provide personalized, expert level physical therapy for pelvic and abdominal conditions. Our focus is to re-integrate a healthy pelvic floor and to provide exceptional care in an understanding environment, utilizing both evidence-based practices and holistic approaches such as visceral manipulation to maximize healing.  


Meenal Mujumdar, PT, PRPC, CLT

Pelvic Health Specialist

We offer much more than kegels and pelvic floor trigger points: we employ skilled, hands-on techniques to the pelvic floor, the viscera, the abdomen, and the orthopedic structures in pelvic region. We specialize in visceral manipulation using  very specific techniques on each visit.  We also utilize biofeedback software system, dilation therapy, exercise prescription, patient education, home programs, and lifestyle modifications.


Each patient’s particular situation dictates her or his personalized and unique treatment plan. We do not use cookie-cutter approach to treat patients.

Conditions we treat

Urinary incontinence

stress, urge, overactive bladder, voiding dysfunction


myofascial pain and dysfunction, endometriosis, unspecified abdominal adhesions related pain

Bowel dysfunctions

fecal or gas incontinence, Constipation

Pregnancy related

sacroiliac joint dysfunction, coccyx or tailbone pain, pubic pain, lumbosacral strain

Pelvic pain

pelvic floor tension myalgia, chronic pelvic pain, levator ani syndrome

Male pelvic pain

male chronic pelvic pain or prostatitis, pudendal neuropathy and neuralgia


vaginismus, vulvodynia, vulvar vestibulitis, interstitial cystitis / painful bladder syndrome


pregnancy related low back pain

What is Pelvic Physical Therapy?

Pelvic muscles can require the same type of rehabilitation as any other muscle in your body. The techniques employed by physical therapists for pelvic pain or dysfunction include treatment modalities similar to those for back pain or joint rehabilitation such as -

  • taking a detailed history

  • evaluating posture

  • stretching the muscles

  • applying manual massage

  • electrical stimulation

  • exercises to increase control and strength of the pelvic floor

  • pelvic stability training

  • having patients keep diaries of pain or incontinence

  • instructing the patient in behavior or voiding modifications.


This list is not all-inclusive, but specialized physical therapy can contribute much toward improving the function and condition of a patient's pelvic floor.​

Pelvic floor therapists provide a comprehensive holistic approach to care that integrates treatment through entire pelvic region as well as for nervous system, breathing and daily movements. Through manual therapy, exercises and other modalities, they treat pelvic floor muscles ( internally and externally at the vagina and anorectal areas) , abdomen, bony pelvis, lower back and tailbone.


Gynecologic problems that can benefit from physical therapy can be divided into two broad categories:

  1. disorders of pelvic pain

    • chronic pelvic pain

    • dyspareunia

    • vestibulitis

    • vulvodynia

  2. disorders of pelvic function

  • pelvic organ prolapse

  • overactive bladder

  • urinary urgency incontinence and overactive bladder

  • stress urinary incontinence, and fecal incontinence


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