What is Pelvic Wellness
Pelvic muscles can require the same type of rehabilitation as any other muscle in your body. The techniques employed by physical therapists for pelvic pain or dysfunction include treatment modalities similar to those for back pain or joint rehabilitation such as -
taking a detailed history
evaluating posture
stretching the muscles
applying manual massage
electrical stimulation
exercises to increase control and strength of the pelvic floor
pelvic stability training
having patients keep diaries of pain or incontinence
instructing the patient in behavior or voiding modifications.
This list is not all-inclusive, but specialized physical therapy can contribute much toward improving the function and condition of a patient's pelvic floor.​
Pelvic floor therapists provide a comprehensive holistic approach to care that integrates treatment through entire pelvic region as well as for nervous system, breathing and daily movements. Through manual therapy, exercises and other modalities, they treat pelvic floor muscles ( internally and externally at the vagina and anorectal areas) , abdomen, bony pelvis, lower back and tailbone.
Gynecologic problems that can benefit from physical therapy can be divided into two broad categories:
disorders of pelvic pain
chronic pelvic pain
disorders of pelvic function
pelvic organ prolapse
overactive bladder
urinary urgency incontinence and overactive bladder
stress urinary incontinence, and fecal incontinence